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What Are The Benefits Of Rehab After A Total Joint Replacement?

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A total joint replacement procedure, such as a knee or hip replacement, will reduce pain and restore mobility. However, you won’t see these benefits automatically or immediately. While your knee or hip will typically feel better after surgery, you should also see a physical therapist to have some rehab. Why is this a good idea? Rehab Improves Post-Surgical Recovery   You will feel some pain and discomfort after a knee or hip replacement.…

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5 Ways To Improve Participation In Voluntary Workplace COVID-19 Testing

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Does your business encourage regular and routine COVID-19 testing of employees? While most employers don’t require this to be done, it does benefit the employer, employees, and customers. But how can you improve uptake of COVID-19 testing when it’s voluntary? Here are a few tips for any size or type of employer.  1. Make It Free. One of the best first steps to getting more testing buy-in is to make the tests freely available to everyone.…

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Steroid Injections For Medical Use: What You Need To Know

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Steroid injections are the process of placing corticosteroids into your body. They are often referred to as cortisone injections. The goal of steroid injections is to help decrease the inflammation in your body and slow down your immune system. They are used to treat a variety of conditions. Here are some things you may need to know about using steroid injections: How Are Steroids Administered? Steroids are typically administered via injection, but there are other methods used also.…

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When Rescue Inhalers Aren't Enough

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For some people with mild asthma who only suffer from occasional episodes, a rescue inhaler might be enough. But other times, a rescue inhaler alone may not be enough. You may have so many asthma attacks that you’re using your inhaler almost constantly. The inhaler may also not completely put an end to your attacks as you would like it to. Luckily, there are other asthma treatments available. Here are a few to talk to your doctor about if rescue inhalers have not been enough for you.…

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Echocardiogram: Preparation, Safety, and Procedure

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If you present to your doctor’s office with complaints of chest pain, skipped heartbeats, palpitations, or shortness of breath, they may refer you to a cardiologist after a comprehensive examination. A cardiologist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the cardiovascular system. Your cardiovascular workup may include an EKG, also called an electrocardiogram, which is a test that evaluates the electrical impulses of your heart when you are at rest.…

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When Lubricating Eye Drops Aren't Fixing Your Dry Eyes

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If your eyes feel dry every once in a while, your eye doctor may advise you to use lubricating eye drops. These eye drops are typically designed to stay on the surface of your eye for a while, which allows them to moisturize and soothe your eyes. But what if these lubricating eye drops alone aren’t quite cutting it? Here are a few other, more intensive treatments you may want to discuss with your eye doctor.…

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Nasal Cryotherapy And Sinus Congestion

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When you have chronic sinus congestion, you will have more trouble breathing in addition to other problems. The condition is especially difficult if you’ve tried all types of medication and sprays to get relief, yet you still have a problem. Nasal cryotherapy may be able to give you relief when all traditional methods fail. Continue reading to learn more about chronic sinus infections and how nasal cryotherapy works. What Is Chronic Sinus Congestion?…

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Things Every Woman Should Know

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If you’re approaching menopause and have started experiencing symptoms, it’s important that you talk with your doctor about hormone replacement therapy to help ease your discomfort. You will find that there are a couple of different options for hormone replacement. Traditional hormone replacement therapy uses synthetic hormones, while bioidentical hormone replacement opts for hormones crafted from plants to precisely match your body’s hormones. Here’s a look at some of the reasons why you should talk with your doctor about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.…

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A Few Tips To Start You On Your Portions Control Training

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Losing weight is never an easy endeavor. Many people struggle with it for years and still do not reach their goals. Some will have success only to gain all the weight back once they start eating the foods they cut out. However, if you can control the portion sizes of what you eat, you can enjoy the foods you like the most and still lose weight. You may want to consider joining a portion control training program to help you reach your goal and teach you tricks to keep yourself from overeating.…

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How To Know You Need To Go To A Cardiac Care Center

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Cardiovascular disease is a serious medical condition that can impact men and women of various ages. It is more common among the elderly, smokers, obese people, and those with high blood pressure. With proper treatment and lifestyle changes, it is possible to live a normal life with this disease. That said, it is important to recognize if you have this medical condition. Here are a few signs that you need to go to a cardiac care center promptly.…

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